AJE (American Journal Experts) has produced a free AI-based grammar check tool capable of reviewing, scoring, and providing actionable steps to improve authors’ academic works—all within seconds.
The new tool helps scientists ascertain the quality of their written works and improve them before submission to journal editors or other editorial decision makers. Those works can include research manuscripts, academic books, grant proposals, or theses.
“There’s an unintentional bias with peer reviewers,” said Laura Stemmle, Product Director of Professional Services at Research Square Company, the parent company of AJE. “They sometimes see language issues, and they think it’s bad research. This tool helps researchers across all disciplines get insights into the readability of their papers before they even submit these papers for review. And if there are significant issues with a paper, we will instantly suggest next steps for fixing them.”
Research Square Company’s software engineers, editors, and product developers produced the new grammar check tool using a combination of deep learning algorithms and human input. A scoring system using standardized guidelines and ranging from zero to ten was applied by professional editors to more than 300,000 academic documents; then machine learning engineers trained a deep learning model using that data to evaluate the English writing quality of unscored documents.
“The score gives authors an indication for whether their papers need attention or if they are good enough to send on for review,” Stemmle said. “It’s a good first indicator to help researchers understand the written quality of their work.”
Stemmle says the company’s software is unique compared to other grammar check tools in the scholarly publishing industry in that it’s based on artificial intelligence.
“Similar tools in the industry are often based on if-then rules, which are limiting,” Stemmle said. “Our own software is trained using deep learning. It’s trained across many academic fields, from the hard sciences to the humanities.“
The AI-based system has mechanisms for improvement as it reviews each new paper, and Stemmle calls researchers at all writing levels to use the tool and provide feedback.
“Researchers at all stages of their careers should give our new grammar check a try,” said Stemmle. “If you have an excellent command of the English language and you write well, we’d still like you to try it out and give us feedback on the tool and the user experience.”
Authors can try the free grammar check tool here. (https://secure.aje.com/en/researcher/grammar-check)