John Wiley and Sons, Inc., announced today that Cancer Science has become the first Japanese journal of its size to transition to open access, by joining the Wiley Open Access publishing program. From January 1, 2014, all newly published articles will be open access and free to view, download and share.
As the journal of the Japanese Cancer Association, Cancer Science has been publishing high quality oncology research since its launch in 1907 as Gann, before being retitled as the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. The journal now attracts over 1,300 submissions annually worldwide and has attained an Impact Factor of 3.479, establishing its role as the leading oncology journal in Asia.
“We are happy to make Cancer Science an open access journal. We aim to ensure that the high quality scientific papers published in the journal are shared widely amongst the cancer research community so that they can contribute to the better understanding of cancer, accelerate the translation of basic science into the clinical field and help to improve cancer care,” said Professor Yusuke Nakamura, Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Science and Professor of Medicine and Surgery at The University of Chicago. “We encourage international cancer researchers to submit new, original and high-impact cancer research articles to the journal.”
“The Japanese Cancer Association represents the community of cancer researchers in Japan. We believe that open access publishing is an appropriate way to support the research community in Japan and internationally, and we are delighted that working with Wiley we have been able to re-launch our journal Cancer Science as an open access journal in 2014,” said Tetsuo Noda, Japanese Cancer Association President.
“As an increasing number of journals consider the change to open access it is significant that one of Japan’s most prestigious journals from one of its largest associations by membership will be making the change to open access from the beginning of 2014,” said Mark Robertson, Vice President and Publishing Director Asia-Pacific, Global Research, Wiley. “This is a first for Japan and we look forward to working with the Japanese Cancer Association which has shown leadership in change so that the journal continues to strengthen its position in Japan and internationally.”
As part of the Wiley Open Access program authors, their funding agencies, or their institutions can pay an Article Publication Charge (APC), to ensure that the article is made available to non-subscribers upon publication via Wiley Online Library, as well as deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) and PMC mirror sites.