Brill, the international scholarly publisher, has finalized an agreement with Apollo Books (Denmark) to acquire the English-language Entomology publications program, effective immediately.
Brill, the international scholarly publisher, has finalized an agreement with Apollo Books in Denmark to acquire the English-language Entomology publications program as well as a small number of other Biology titles.The acquisition comprises of a number of book series, such as: Geometrid Moths of Europe, The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, Palaearctic Macrolepidopteraand Microlepidoptera of Europe. Also included are 25 forthcoming titles and over 100 backlist titles.
The Entomology and other Biology titles fit well in Brill’s Biology program, building upon its systematic biology scope while bringing greater cross marketing and global distribution opportunities to the acquired list.
“I am happy that Brill will carry on our program,” says Peder Skou, Director of Apollo Books. “I regard them as a very well suited publisher to continue with this.”
Sam Bruinsma, Brill VP Business Development adds: “This agreement follows a previous deal in 2008 when we acquired the journal Insect Systematics and Evolution from Apollo Books, a publisher most highly regarded among the entomological community. ”
Effective immediately, Brill assumes publishing responsibilities for the acquired titles. As of 1 February stock will be available via Brill’s distribution channels.