Ex Libris® Group, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions, announces that the Library Service Center for Baden-Württemberg (BSZ) in Germany has decided to participate in the Ex Libris Alma Early Adopter Program for libraries in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The BSZ will actively support the launch of the next-generation library system of the members of the Southwest German Library Network (SWB) consortia who have already chosen Alma. Additionally, together with Ex Libris, the BSZ will develop central services based on the Alma Network Zone for consortium members.
“The BSZ, as a service provider for libraries, and Ex Libris, as leading provider of library software solutions, both strive to deliver high-quality services and excellent customer satisfaction to our mutual customers,” commented Dr. Ralf Goebel, director of the BSZ. “To support our customers the BSZ will develop capabilities and deeper knowledge of Alma, build up expertise in the next-generation consortia functionality and work with member libraries and Ex Libris to develop new consortial services that we can offer.”
“The five member libraries of the SWB network that have already chosen Alma will benefit from this collaboration between BSZ and Ex Libris, which will deliver centralized services to their staff members and users, based on Alma,” said Ullrich Jüngling, VP Sales Central & East Europe Ex Libris. “This agreement provides BSZ with an excellent strategic opportunity to develop innovative services for members of the SWB consortia, enabling them to become one of the leading providers of next-generation library services in the German market.”
– See more at: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/default.asp?catid={916AFF5B-CA4A-48FD-AD54-9AD2ADADEB88}&details_type=1&itemid={7281E2BB-FF1E-42DA-9039-7BE5AB7196F2}#sthash.VOmd0LDH.dpuf