Cabells – the complete source for journal info, evaluation metrics, and submission details for authors – has today released its upgraded author services offer through its partnership with Editage. The new page (https://cabells.editage.com/) offers
Cabells is delighted to announce from today that it is offering enhanced author services for all academic researchers through its partnership with Editage.
Building on its existing relationship with Editage – the leading English language editing services vendor – Cabells has opened up a portal for all its site visitors to use Editage’s offering to develop their academic research and articles for publication. Through the portal, users will be able to choose from a range of English language editing services, as well as manuscript formatting, from a large cohort of subject specialist editors.
This enhanced offer is designed to complement Cabells’ Whitelist and Blacklist of academic journals. Launched in June 2017, the Cabells Journal Blacklist is still the only database available to scholars of deceptive and predatory academic journals. The Blacklist is compiled by specialists, who analyze suspected journals against 65 behavioral indicators in order to keep the community abreast of growing threats and to protect researchers and institutions from exploitative operations. It is offered in parallel to the Whitelist, acurated list of over 11,000 academic journals spanning 18 disciplines which guides researchers and institutions in getting the most impact out of their research.
Cabells’ Director of International Marketing and Development, Simon Linacre, said: “We have been working for a while with Editage to support researchers with what I call the ‘validation gap’. Every researcher reaches a stage in their journey towards publication where they must validate the article they have written in different ways – research quality, writing quality, language, choice of journal, etc. Universities tend to offer great support up until this point, but at this crucial stop in the road there is often a chasm that needs to be crossed to get to the other side.
“This is somewhat a rite of passage for early career scholars, but it can trouble even the most experienced of scholars as well. We share with Editage a real desire to make this path easier for all academics, and we hope that with this new enhanced portal Cabells can help to bridge the gap.”
For more information, visit https://www2.cabells.com/