In light of the current global situation, the decision has been made to extend the call for speakers for ConTech 2020 to the 21st April. We have also reduced the requirements on the form to allow a quick and easy submission.
ConTech 2020, which will take place on the 3rd & 4th December, is focused on how a new generation of technology is impacting the world of content. Our programme will be a mixture of inspiring keynotes, thought leadership and evidence backed success stories. If you are a publisher, content strategist or manage content for your organisation and have a story to tell submit today:
We are also working hard on developing alternative ways of delivering our ConTech Forum event which is scheduled for 9th June. We will announce more on this shortly.
Our ConTech community means a lot to us and the team are very aware of the fact that how we now work, and what we work on is currently very different. With this in mind we are looking to produce some online sessions where people can talk, interact and discuss topics relevant to both the climate and our industry. If you are interested in being part of these or leading one of the sessions with a current topic please let us know.
If you have any queries on this please do email cathryn@info-international.co.uk and please know that everyone is in our thoughts and prayers #staysafe.