2017 marks the third year that PLOS formally acknowledges our community of reviewers and editors with a public thank you published as a citable journal article. PLOS does this to honor the dedicated service and substantial contributions made by working scientists – scientists with day jobs – who graciously provide their time and expertise to our organization. Thank you journal articles provide reviewers and editors the academic citation and recognition for their valuable service to colleagues, institutions, funders and the public.
It takes a global network of more than 78,000 reviewers and 7,000 editors to ensure that articles, perspectives, editorials and more achieve the highest quality possible. The more than 12 million article views per month (on average) this past year shows that PLOS reviewers and editors are up to the task of vetting the science, the ethics, the reporting guidelines and journal publication criteria presented in the more than 27,000 research articles published in 2016.
For the first time we include in each of the seven journals’ thank you articles the number of newly submitted and published research articles brought to the public in 2016. PLOS is confident that this data, in real terms, supports our ongoing commitment to increased transparency surrounding the publishing process. We are also confident that readers will appreciate the workload required of reviewers and editors to support these publication numbers. In addition, contributors to PLOS Biology iterated on development of Apertaä, our new submission system, as they reviewed, discussed and moved submissions through the publication process.
As they shepherd papers and provide feedback so authors may improve manuscripts and refine experimental work, it is more than quality that our contributor community champions. Reviewers, Editors and Editorial Board members who choose to do so also communicate the mission of Open Access, the value of Open Data and the relevance of Open Science to society at large. These individuals serve as ambassadors not just for PLOS but for all of science. Public access to rigorous peer-reviewed research, the role of journals in communicating the work of our communities and the enthusiasm of our own staff are all sustained by this extensive pool of inspired and dedicated scientists.
To all PLOS Reviewers, Academic Editors, Guest Editors and Editorial Board members, thank you. Those wanting to explore deeper will find each reviewer’s and editor’s name in the Supporting Information of the journal’s published article. Articles are accessible at http://blogs.plos.org/plos/2017/03/thank-you-from-plos/ on The Official PLOS Blog.