Ex Libris®, is pleased to announce that it is increasing its investment in the Czech, Hungarian, and Romanian markets. Having reached agreements with its local partners—Charles University, MULTIDATA Praha, and Ex-Lh—the company will now be playing a direct role with the markets in these areas.
Ofer Mosseri, corporate vice president and general manager of Ex Libris EMEA, explained, “The growing success that we have had across Europe with our cloud-based, next-generation Ex Libris Alma® resource management service, Primo® and Summon®discovery and delivery solutions, LegantoSM reading list solution, and campusMSM mobile campus applications has shown us that we need to have a direct relationship with our customers.
“In light of the growing interest in cloud-based systems and the plans of many institutions in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania to move to such systems, our decision to invest in these markets enables us to enhance the levels of service and support that we give our customers while developing a stronger relationship with the market.”
Under the agreements, the marketing, sales, and support responsibilities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania will move to Ex Libris. Support personnel currently working with local partners will become an integral part of the Ex Libris team and will continue to operate from their current locations. The expanded team will work closely with European-based Ex Libris and ProQuest staff, thus increasing the reach and service of Ex Libris in these markets.
Mosseri added, “With this operational model, Ex Libris will be able to work more closely with our Czech, Hungarian and Romanian customers, whose usual contact people will continue in their current roles as part of the Ex Libris team. In the Slovak market we will continue to work closely with our local partner Tempest a.s.
I would like to thank Charles University, MULTIDATA Praha, and Ex-Lh for the instrumental role that they have played in developing these important markets and for the care and professionalism with which they have looked after Ex Libris customers.”