Simba Information, a leading provider for market intelligence and forecasts in the media and publishing industry, has released the Open Access Book Publishing 2016 – 2020 report and forecast.
The report profiles notable Open Access book publishers by evaluating and looking at the list of book publishers to identify leaders in Open Access books. Including sources such as DOAB, OAPEN, the Finch Report, AAUP studies, and information from publisher websites, the report also provides an overview of global Open Access book publishing.
In 2015, Open Access books have grown at a rate of 30% with an estimated 10,000 scholarly and academic books available on the internet.
InTechOpen, Bookboon and Frontiers, in that order, come in at the top as the world’s largest OA book publishers by title count. Of these three publishers, InTechOpen is the only one whose core output consists of Open Access books specializing in STM content.
The below graph, adapted from the report, shows the number of Open Access books published by 2016 by the top five international publishers.
*Note that the number of InTechOpen books has risen to 2,829 titles since the publication of the report in October 2016. Source ©2016 Simba Information.
Another catalyst for the steady growth in Open Access is the growing importance of making scientific research and findings publicly available. Most commonly this is achieved through Open Access, which means that authors can benefit by having the cost of publishing in Open Access covered.
A recent survey identified that most authors did not utilize funding opportunities. This is why we are continually working on locating and identifying funding agencies so that our potential authors not only have the information they need but can apply to obtain funding for their Open Access publications. At InTechOpen, 73% of all APCs are paid by an author’s institution or funding agency. InTechOpen also has some of the most competitive pricing for Open Access publications. All of these elements come together and allow us to support our authors, get their research published and help them make an impact within the scientific community.
Publishing standards and quality control are two very important aspects for authors considering Open Access. InTechOpen is continually striving to maintain and improve the quality of its internal processes and published content.
A selection of 190 InTechOpen books comprising of 3,787 chapters, have been indexed by the Book Citation Index in the Web of Science™ Core Collection (BKCI) with no rejected submissions to date. The number of our books included in the BKCI continues to increase as we continually submit titles for evaluation. Over 43% of all Open Access books indexed in BKCI are InTechOpen publications.
Our publications have accumulated over 44,000 Web of Science (WOS) citations to date, and that number continues to grow.
In addition to the above publishing milestones, we have also had the privilege to work with two Nobel Prize Winners, Prof. Yoshinori Ohsumi, 2016 Nobel Prize recipient in Physiology or Medicine and Prof. Harold Kroto, 1996 Nobel Prize recipient in Chemistry.
InTechOpen continues to legitimize its position as the largest Science, Technology and Medicine Open Access book publisher. Our overall mission is to help academics make a greater impact by providing readers free access to all published work. We look forward to continuing to work to support this mission and help share knowledge through Open Access.
To learn more about publishing with us, visit us here.