Karger Publishers acquired the information service Health Press Ltd, Abingdon/UK in a move to strengthen its clinical decision support business. This acquisition complements Karger’s German-based activities in translating knowledge from scientific research to clinical practice. The financial terms of the deal have not been disclosed.
Health Press Ltd is an award-winning, multi-platform information service for the medical community, providing premium content to improve medical practice. Founded by Sarah Redston in 1993, Health Press has since established three brands: the medical handbook series Fast Facts, illustrated guides to medical conditions and concerns Patient Pictures, and the consumer web product www.embarrassingproblems.com. All three brands serve the goal of promoting health through communication with a global network of medical practitioners and patients.
“This acquisition is a perfect addition to Karger and fully supports our strategy. It provides us with the opportunity to expand our clinical decision support business to the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and, more generally, English-speaking audiences worldwide,” says Daniel Ebneter, CEO of Karger Publishers.
Sarah Redston, the former owner of Health Press, said: “I am delighted to have found such a good home for Health Press Limited, its talented staff and its three brands. Together with Karger, we have created a match within the field of health and science publishing at its best that will facilitate finding cures, improving clinical decisions, and increasing prevention.”