Kudos, the award-winning service for accelerating research impact, is launching a new research project to provide publishers, societies and service providers with critical intelligence about the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for research funding policy, university budgets and practices, and researchers’ capacity, processes and publishing choices. The fast-track study, codenamed “Brave New World”, will focus on identifying rapidly emerging needs and changes in attitudes and behaviors. It will enable publishers, societies and providers of related services to react quickly and plan effectively for 2021 and beyond.
The study will combine desk research with global, cross-disciplinary surveys of researchers and libraries; areas likely to be explored include:
- The effect of COVID-19 on funders’ policy, practices and budgets
- The areas in which libraries expect to make cuts
- The day-to-day implications for academics, particularly in relation to their publishing choices, their capacity for undertaking editorial duties and peer review, and their attendance at events.
The findings will be analyzed and interpreted to recommend actions that publishers, societies and providers of related services need to take both now and in the future. Examples might include summarizing new criteria with which researchers need to comply when making publishing / journal choices, or highlighting areas such as virtual events or peer review in which new support services will be needed.
“The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted research, but also acted as a catalyst
for change,” comments Charlie Rapple, Chief Customer Officer and Co-founder of Kudos. “The scholarly communication sector must respond quickly, meaning publishers, societies and providers of related services need to quickly understand ‘the new normal’ for research funding, communication and dissemination. This study will provide timely insights and recommendations to inform immediate decisions and shape longer-term strategic plans.”
Potential project partners are invited to register their interest, by the end of October 9th, by contacting colin.caveney@growkudos.com.