MedOANet (Mediterranean Open Access Network) is a two-year project funded under the Science in Society Programme of the EC 7th Framework Programme. The project enhances existing policies, strategies and structures for Open Access and contributes towards the implementation of new ones in six Mediterranean countries: Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal.
In order to keep track of advancements, to observe the growth of Open Access in these countries and to have real time overview of the state of the art based on authoritative sources, an online tool called Open Access Tracker has been developed.
The Open Access Tracker brings together information on journals, repositories, institutional policies, funder’s policies and publishers’ self-archiving policies, representing Open Access activities in the six countries.
The Tracker draws information from authoritative services such as DOAJ,SHERPA/RoMEO, SHERPA/Juliet, OpenDOAR, ROARMAP. It shows the growth of different types of Open Access activities and policies in numbers, effectively creating a profile for each country; it also visually presents the growth of these different types of Open Access resources by country, by year as recorded in the external sources. The Tracker is intended to encourage the stakeholder community to register its open access resources with these established services from which it draws information, in order to increase the accuracy of information regarding the state of open access in the six countries.
The Open Access Tracker has Search and Browse functions to allow easy discovery of the recorded information.
The Open Access Tracker allows to:
have a real-time overview on Open Access in each and all six countries
highlight ongoing activities on Open Access with reference to journals, repositories, policies
know at a glance publishers’ and funders’ policies per country represented in the Tracker
compare the trends on Open Access in the Mediterranean area
observe the yearly growth of the Open Access resources it Tracks
have a tool to promote Open Access with facts and figures supporting advocacy activities
Take a tour of the MedOANet Open Access Tracker!