Cambridge University Press announces the appointment of a new Editor-in-Chief, Professor Timothy Cox, University of Cambridge, to lead its journal Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine.
Professor Cox is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, UK, with clinical responsibility in acute internal medicine and metabolic diseases at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. He qualified in medicine in 1971 and has conducted scientific investigations principally on the inborn errors of metabolism. His recent research has focused on the lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) – their molecular pathogenesis and treatment by enzyme and gene therapy. In addition, he brings with him many years of editorial experience as he has served on the editorial board of several journals, is a member of the Cambridge University Press Publishing Syndicate and an Editor of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine.
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine has been publishing high-quality peer-refereed review articles since late 1997, with the aim of producing a resource of engaging and authoritative overviews in the area of molecular medicine. The journal also received its impressive first Impact Factor of 7.143, placing the journal in a strong position amongst its competitors. Therefore, the time is right to look at new ways of increasing the exposure and reach of the journal which can only be achieved by the leadership of an Editor-in-Chief.
“After a long association with Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, I am delighted to be appointed as Editor-in-Chief of this highly ranked Journal. The team at Cambridge will accept only the best manuscripts in this ever-burgeoning field: we will provide our readers with authoritative reviews and a formidable diversity of coverage – we also offer our authors the opportunity of having their first-rate scholarly work and scientific wisdom put before a wide and research-minded readership.” commented Professor Tim Cox, Editor-in-Chief, about his new appointment.
Molecular medicine as a broad definition refers to elucidating the pathogenesis of disease at the molecular or physiological level, which may lead to the design of specific tools for disease diagnosis, treatment or prevention – highlighting the timeliness and importance of the journal in the field. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine is an exciting online-only journal featuring high-quality reviews of the latest developments in this fast-growing field. Coverage includes gene therapy, immunotherapeutics, drug design, vaccines, genetic testing, pathogenesis, epidemiology, genomics, diagnostics and techniques. The reviews are written by experts, peer-reviewed and include informative illustrations.