New OCLC WorldShare Metadata collection management functionality offers more efficient ways for libraries to manage electronic resources and improve user access to those valuable collections.
WorldShare Metadata collection management automatically delivers WorldCat MARC records for electronic materials and ensures the metadata and access URLs for these collections are continually updated, providing library users better access to these materials, and library staff more time for other priorities.
OCLC worked with libraries in North America to beta test the new functionality as part of OCLC WorldShare Metadata services. Pilots of the new functionality are planned in different regions around the world.
“The WorldShare Metadata collection management service is a step forward because we can now use the records in the WorldCat database to provide access to our electronic collections in a way that incorporates access changes quickly and easily,” said Sarah Haight Sanabria, Electronic Resources Cataloger, Central University Libraries, Southern Methodist University, who participated in the beta test.
Libraries use the collection management functionality to define and configure e-book and other electronic collections in the WorldCat knowledge base. They then automatically receive initial and updated, customized WorldCat MARC records for all e-titles from one source. With the combination of WorldCat knowledge base holdings, WorldCat holdings and WorldCat MARC records, library users gain access to the same set of titles and content in WorldCat Local, WorldCat.org, the local library catalog or other discovery interfaces.
OCLC WorldShare Metadata collection management services are available to all libraries with an OCLC cataloging subscription and work with other components of OCLC WorldShare Management Services as well as other library systems.
“WorldShare Metadata is a core part of OCLC’s strategy to provide integrated Webscale solutions to support the complete library management workflow, including selection, acquisition, metadata, license management, discovery, resource sharing and analytics,” said David Whitehair, OCLC Senior Product Manager. “As with all Webscale solutions, OCLC will continue to add new capabilities and services over time.”
OCLC is conducting free webinars to explain more about this new OCLC WorldShare Metadata collection management functionality. Those interested should plan to attend one of the following webinar sessions:
- Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern Time. Register here.
- Thursday, September 20, 2012, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern Time. Register here.
Visit the OCLC website for more information about WorldShare Metadata services.