The digitization of scientific content is a revolution that has yet to reach its full potential. In this opening keynote Rob Terry – TDR – World Health Organisation will make the case for open science and the need for systems thinking which may require a complete re-set for how science is undertaken in order to tackle the global challenges of climate change, food security and future pandemics.
ConTech 2022 opens in just three weeks. Covid 19 exposed failings in health publishing whilst increased data sharing provides enormous opportunity for a far greater openness in science. Secure your place today to learn share and network around these big issues. Delegate places are selling fast.
Our programme is stacked with industry leaders, senior product innovators and transformation experts sharing their stories from a wealth of publishing, media and information sectors.
ConTech 2022 will again be a hybrid event so places are available both online and to attend in person at The Marriott Regents Park, London.
Book now at https://www.contech.live/contech2022
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