Oxford University Press (OUP) is delighted to announce its partnership with Duke University, Harvard Law School, and Stanford University to launch a new open access journal in 2014: Journal of Law and the Biosciences (JLB).
JLB will become the preeminent outlet to publish cutting-edge scholarship wherever law and the biosciences intersect. The JLB will take a broad and interdisciplinary view of its area, publishing articles on topics generally considered part of bioethics or neuroethics, such as the ethical, legal, and social implications of reproductive technologies, genetics, stem cell research, neuroscience, or human biological enhancement. At the same time, it will be a home for work that speaks directly to legal issues where the biosciences can be involved, such as food and drug regulation, biosciences patent law, scientific evidence, and criminal responsibility.
Rhodri Jackson, Senior Publisher, Law Journals and Oxford Open, OUP said: “OUP has a very strong presence in intellectual property and patent law, and in pure bioscience publishing. We’re very excited by the opportunity Journal of Law and the Biosciences presents to unite both of these strengths, and tap into a booming area of research. We couldn’t have picked better partners than Duke, Harvard, and Stanford, and look forward to working with the editors. Furthermore, the JLB’s OA nature reflects our ongoing drive to explore open access publishing opportunities in the law.”
The JLB’s initial co-editors in chief are I. Glenn Cohen from Harvard, Nita Farahany from Duke, and Hank Greely from Stanford. Greely, speaking for the editors-in-chief, said “We are thrilled to be launching this journal. Law and the biosciences is an emerging field of great social importance; having a dedicated, peer-reviewed journal will advance our understanding of crucial issues, while helping to build the field. OUP is a wonderful partner for this effort.” The JLB will also be assisted by an editorial board. The current board is composed of nearly thirty leading scholars working the area, from law, bioethics, philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, and other disciplines.
The JLB is an open access journal. Authors will have the choice of publishing under either a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivs (CC-BY-NC-ND), or a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Authors electing to publish under CC-BY will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC). For more information about the journal, including article submission guidelines, and how to register for free content-alerting services, please visit the journal’s website.