Oxford Medical & Surgical Case Reports is a new free search and discovery tool from Oxford University Press. One search quickly and easily brings together peer-reviewed case reports from across our prestigious medical journals and book collections, increasing the discoverability of over 5,000 case reports in 40 specialty areas. Authoritative, peer-reviewed content comes from theJournal of Surgical Case Reports, Oxford Medical Case Reports, and Oxford Medicine Online amongst others.
“The Oxford Medical & Surgical Case Reports portal is a new platform for clinicians, researchers and students to have access to valuable and clinically important information. It will combine the vast knowledge pool of literature from both oxford books and journals. At the Journal of Surgical Case Reports, we are all extremely pleased to be involved in this exciting portal.” Mr Julien Al Shakarchi, Editor, Journal of Surgical Case Reports
“The portal will provide a single point of access for anyone wishing to look up case reports within any publication of Oxford University Press and therefore be able to access all the case reports about any one particular condition that they’re interested in.” Dr Richard Watts, Editor-in-Chief, Oxford Medical Case Reports
“This new facility offers users the opportunity to search across Oxford University Press’s wealth of medical case reports as featured in both journals and books. We hope that this new search tool will offer users at all levels of their careers quick and easy access to educationally important cases of all medical and surgical specialties.” Anna Whiting, Publisher, Oxford University Press