John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has announced it will join patientACCESS, a new program which offers low-cost access to medical and scientific research articles to patients and caregivers. From September 2013, 310 Wiley journals will join the international collaboration between publishers, the Association of American Publishers, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division (PSP), The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM), and the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC).
Six publishers are participating in the launch phase of patientACCESS. In addition to Wiley they are the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Elsevier, SAGE, and Wolters Kluwer Health. Technological support is coming from the CCC.
Patients and caregivers will be able to access relevant research papers via RightsLinkTM, CCC’s point-of-content licensing program. Papers will be emailed to requestors within 24 hours, following a one-time registration step to verify their status as a patient or caregiver. Wiley will offer papers from the selected journals without charge, while CCC will levy an administrative fee of $3.50 for processing and delivering the paper.
Wiley journals within this project include Annals of Neurology (Impact Factor: 11.193), Obesity Reviews (Impact Factor: 6.87) and Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Impact Factor: 5.422). A full list of Wiley journals included in the patientACCESSprogram is available.
“Patients often turn to the internet to seek out the latest information related to their medical condition. However, the information they find can be unverifiable, unreliable, and potentially misleading.” said Jen Holton, Associate Director of Global Rights UK, Wiley. “patientACCESS makes peer-reviewed research available to patients or their caregivers, with the reassurance and peace of mind that any information or developments in treatments they may find there has been written by experts in their field and rigorously reviewed prior to publication in one of our top ranking journals.”
“We are pleased to be involved in this exciting initiative,” said Tracey Armstrong, CEO, Copyright Clearance Center. “CCC is all about providing content licensing solutions that make it easy for people to share valuable information while respecting copyright.”