Reprints Desk, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Research Solutions, Inc. (RSSS), and Colorado State University (CSU) Libraries announced today that Reprints Desk’s A-Z Academic Document Delivery Collection for full-text retrieval of scholarly research papers will soon be available to over 200 academic institutions that are members of CSU’s RapidILL system. RapidILL members will benefit from another cost-effective content acquisition option that features fast delivery of journal article PDFs with coverage across nearly 20,000 journal publications and special copyright royalty rates and delivery fees.
RapidILL is a library resource sharing system created by the interlibrary loan staff at Colorado State in 1997 to improve literature borrowing, and lending. Member libraries are able to request content that is automatically checked against a database of records to identify and initiate acquisition sourcing based on a number of business rules. Reprints Desk joins existing document suppliers Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), Linda Hall Library, and the Center for Research Libraries.
“Rapid participants have been seeking a method to easily obtain and pay copyright for articles without signing a restrictive contract.” said Tom Moothart, Assistant Dean of Resource Delivery Services at Colorado State University Libraries, “Reprints Desk will provide another avenue allowing libraries to efficiently order articles using their standard Rapid workflow.”
Reprints Desk’s A-Z Academic Document Delivery Collection is comprised of content from leading scholarly publishers, including Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Springer Verlag, Massachusetts Medical Society and dozens of others. Reprints Desk provides a high quality PDF within minutes for each document delivery request that the company receives and makes the service available for a low transactional service fee plus a special academic copyright royalty charge that can be as low as fifteen U.S. dollars.
“We are honored to be entrusted as a document supplier to the RapidILL community,” said Scott Ahlberg, Chief Operations Officer at Reprints Desk. “Reprints Desk understands the importance of making non-subscribed content available within library workflows and ensuring that academic libraries have a document delivery option that is tailored to fit within their larger collection management portfolio.”
Academic institutions, corporations, and government organizations use document delivery as a legal method for retrieving single copies of full-text papers from scholarly peer-reviewed journals when subscription access does not exist. Reprints Desk has held lone honors as the top-rated document delivery supplier in every document delivery market research survey conducted by information analyst and advisory firm Outsell, Inc., since 2008. Reprints Desk was founded by Peter Derycz, a pioneer in the document delivery business since 1987 when he originally founded Infotrieve, Inc.
For more information about the A-Z Academic Document Delivery Collection, visit http://info.reprintsdesk.com/academic-articles. For more information about Reprints Desk, visit www.reprintsdesk.com.