RCN Publishing has signed an agreement with Portico to preserve its e-journal content. Through the agreement, institutions participating in Portico’s E-Journal Preservation Service will be assured continued access to RCN Publishing title content for their nurses, students and academics for generations to come.
RCN Publishing is the latest publisher to join the continually growing group of participants that strive to ensure ongoing access to essential research for future generations of students, researchers and scholars. Speaking of the agreement, Rhonda Oliver, managing director said, “RCN Publishing journals provide some of the most authoritative information and research on nursing that is available globally. By partnering with Portico, we are thrilled to be able to ensure that this content will always be accessible, for whoever may need it, whatever the future of publishing holds.”
RCN Publishing publishes 10 core journals including Cancer Nursing Practice, Emergency Nurse, Learning Disability Practice, Mental Health Practice, Nursing Management, Nurse Researcher and Nursing Standard. In total, the journals comprise more than 18,000 articles, dating from 1996 onwards. As Rhonda further commented, “The significant costs incurred in digital curation means very few publishers or libraries are able to provide their own perpetual archive of digital content. We trust that Portico will be able to provide access to our content in perpetuity, so that new generations will be able to draw upon the knowledge that has shaped the global nursing profession.”
Stephanie Orphan, director of publisher relations for Portico added, “We are very pleased that RCN Publishing has joined Portico. With the addition of RCN’s titles, more than 17,500 e-journals along with more than 210,000 e-books and 72 digitized historical collections are committed to the archive for preservation. RCN is joining publishers from around the globe that support long term access to scholarly materials. We look forward to working with them.”