ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, todayannounced a further expansion of their Journal Home partnership with Wiley to now encompass 700 journals.
The expanded partnership includes almost all open access journals published by Wiley, including society partners such as the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), as well as a wider range of hybrid journals. All these journals benefit from an enhanced presence and discoverability on ResearchGate through its innovative Journal Home offering.
Journal Home increases the visibility of journals for researchers in the process of conducting their research. All version-of-record content from participating titles, including newly published articles and backfile content, is accessible on ResearchGate. Dedicated journal profiles are activated and visible throughout the ResearchGate platform, with each journal prominently represented on all associated article pages and other relevant touchpoints with members. Authors also benefit as their articles are automatically added to their user profiles on ResearchGate – enabling them to easily track and understand readership and engagement with their research output.
Wiley, one of the longest running Journal Homepartners, now has growing evidence that ResearchGate is increasing the reach and visibility for its journals and the work authors publish in these titles. In 2023, the partnership included more than 560,000 articles from 519 journals included in Journal Homeand resulted in over 25,000,000 article views through ResearchGate from researchers globally (as measured via COUNTER-compliant reporting).
Wiley’s author surveys indicate high satisfaction with the partnership, which authors agree makes it easier for them to share and amplify their work with ResearchGate’s highly relevant researcher community. In one survey of Wiley authors, 98% of authors stated they were happy with their research being on ResearchGate.
The partnership not only increases the reach of participating titles, but has also provides new, innovative ways to attract potential authors. In 2023, more than 3,800 authors engaging with Journal Home directly went on to publish over 4,000 articles across participating Wiley journals. Of these authors, 1,300 had never published with Wiley before and ~700 had previously published with Wiley but not in the last two years. This impact supports the findings in another survey with Wiley authors, in which 91% indicated they would be more likely to submit to a journal if they knew their article would be automatically shared on ResearchGate.
“It’s exciting to see how far our collaboration with Wiley has come in just three years, building visibility, usage, and publications for their journals,” said Sören Hofmayer, Chief Strategy Officer at ResearchGate. “Wiley’s leadership and continued commitment to making research open and accessible makes them an ideal partner for ResearchGate as we continue to build new ways to enhance value for both readers and publishers through our connected researcher ecosystem.”
For more information about Journal Home, please visit researchgate.net/journal-home
For more information about ResearchGate, please visit www.researchgate.net.