SAGE today announced the launch of IntroStats Online, a new interactive introductory-level statistics textbook written by Greg Francis (Purdue University). Designed to fully immerse students as they study statistical concepts, this online textbook features text, 2,000+ practice questions, interactive demonstrations and simulations, calculators, and a centralized grade book that automatically records student progress for instructor convenience.
“IntroStats Online is an entirely new kind of textbook that uses technology to encourage students to be more engaged with the material, to present complex concepts in new ways, and to enable instructors to monitor student progress,” stated Francis. “It is not just a traditional textbook that has been reformatted for the web, it is a better kind of textbook.”
IntroStats Online also includes access to STATLAB Online, an interactive statistics laboratory where students learn different statistical analyses through participation in classic behavioral experiments. Through STATLAB Online, students’ data is also graded automatically and sent to instructors.
“SAGE is dedicated to investing in new, digitally-innovative products that will satisfy the changing needs of today’s students while simultaneously improving learning outcomes,” stated Michele Sordi, SAGE’s Vice President of Editorial. “Each of the innovative features in IntroStats Online was created for student success. This born-digital textbook creates an optimum learning environment as it promotes immediate application of the learning material, provides instant feedback, and allows students to go back and spend more time on areas of statistics that they initially found challenging.”
For more information about IntroStats Online, visit sagepub.com/introstatsonline.