SAGE today announced that it has begun publishing Public Personnel Management, a quarterly-published journal specifically for human resource executives and managers in the public sector.
Founded by the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR), PPM is an award-winning journal that publishes case studies, commentaries and a collection of scholarly articles from the perspectives of both top human resource scholars and industry experts. Articles published in the journal will cover a broad spectrum of timely management issues and concerns at the local, state, federal, and international levels
“Public Personnel Management is committed to bridging the nexus between public administration practice and management research by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas between scholars from the academic and practitioner communities,” stated PPM editor Eddie French. “In our efforts to become one of the leading journals on the administration and management of public personnel, our primary emphasis will focus on research exploring all aspects of the work environments, organizations, individuals, and decisions that are part of the theory and practice of public human resource management.”
Dr. Eddie French is an Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration where he primarily teaches graduate classes in the Ph.D. and M.P.P.A. programs at Mississippi State University. He holds the title of Stennis Scholar for Local Government with the John C. Stennis Institute of Government, where he conducts survey research and consults with local governments throughout Mississippi. Dr. French has authored or co-authored over 45 refereed journal articles, books, and book chapters focusing mainly on human resource management and local government administration. His most current research focuses on public service/public sector motivation for local government employees.
“SAGE has a history of publishing research that has a real impact not only on scholarship, but also on the aspects of society that inspire this scholarship,” stated SAGE’s Vice President of Journals, Bob Howard. “Public Personnel Management is a journal that will serve both the academic community and those working to improve management and human resource processes in practice. We are pleased to add it to our journals portfolio.”