ScienceOpen and Trivent Publishing collaborate to showcase Trivent Medieval books

The interactive discovery platform, ScienceOpen, and Trivent Publishing have partnered to launch a collection on ScienceOpen to showcase books from Trivent Medieval. Trivent Medieval is a growing imprint, currently holding ten book series on varied historical subjects: art history, magic and witchcraft, Mediterranean studies, equestrian history, Byzantine history, the history of the Carolingian Empire, as well as gender, and medievalism. ScienceOpen is a widely used discovery platform that contains nearly 64 million publication records, which includes both indexed and hosted articles, books, conference proceedings, etc. The addition of the Trivent Medieval Collection to ScienceOpen will enable more people to discover Trivent books, increasing their impact and enriching the context of related works on ScienceOpen.

Started in 2014, Trivent Publishing was created by people in academia for the people in academia with the purpose of facilitating knowledge dissemination to benefit academics. Thus, Trivent promotes authors to publish open access by offering very low open access processing fees, in order to best suit the purposes of today’s scholarship and to make knowledge available worldwide. ScienceOpen, also a large proponent of open access publishing, is pleased to help spread the knowledge contained in the majorly open access Trivent Medieval books and contribute its advanced user engagement, search, and discovery tools for the additional benefit of the authors of the books and academics in general.

Stephanie Dawson, CEO of ScienceOpen says, “We are very excited to be supporting this excellent collection of medieval history research by Trivent Publishers as it helps us to expand our reach beyond the natural sciences. Over the years we have been increasingly working with publishers in the humanities and social sciences to promote their digital content. This is an area with a lot of potential for growth.”

Teodora Artimon, Publisher at Trivent Publishing, says, “Trivent is a young and enthusiast publisher looking to serve a wide academic public, encouraging publications from early career scholars to senior academics. Nevertheless, our books remain accessible to non-academics through their topics, as well as their often open access character. Trivent is happy to collaborate and accommodate titles from authors and editors who have similar goals to ours, including quality peer reviewed publications, fast publication, and open access.”

The addition of the Trivent Medieval Collection to ScienceOpen will enable Trivent books to reach a wider circle of readers. This will help further academic collaboration within the historical subject areas comprised in the Trivent Medieval imprint. By facilitating academic exchange, the collection may inspire new academic inquiries into these specialized historical topics.