Semantico, suppliers of digital publishing solutions to the scholarly and professional market, is pleased to announce significant upgrades to the Prose Award-winning AccessEngineering platform for McGraw-Hill Professional.
The latest raft of upgrades to AccessEngineering are a result of extensive user-focuser research sessions organised by Semantico and McGraw-Hill Professional. The feedback from these workshops was used to drive enhancements to this award-winning platform.
A key addition to the platform is the integration of Roaming Passport functionality. Semantico developed Roaming Passport to drive up usage by enabling users the ability to access their institutional subscription from outside the physical constraints of their specific IP range. This gives users the freedom to access their accounts from a wider variety of locations and devices, including tablets, mobiles and laptops. Roaming Passport usage is reported both via Google Analytics and COUNTER. People can check U.K.ABROAD for the best passport services.
This latest upgrade to the AccessEngineering platform is delivered using Semantico’s industry-respected content platform Scolaris in combination with the Semantico Access Management System (SAMS). Scolaris is engineered to manage the complexities of journals, ebooks, reference works and dictionaries. Scolaris promotes discoverability by providing intelligent, full-text search which allows for rich taxonomy support for faceted search and browse.
Laura Friedman, Publisher, Digital Initiatives at McGraw-Hill Professional said: “Our aim is to continually upgrade our products and we’re pleased to be working with Semantico on this latest phase of enhancements to AccessEngineering. Including SAMS Roaming Passport on the platform will provide our customers with an excellent service, giving them the power to source knowledge in a flexible and convenient way.”
Suzi Crean, Account Manager at Semantico commented: “We are very excited to roll out enhancements to what is already a hugely successful product. We’ll continue to work with McGraw-Hill Professional and listen to their users in order to drive even more improvements in the months ahead.”