With an expanded agreement with publisher Schattauer GmbH, Serials Solutions continues its commitment to add to the German-language resources discoverable through the Summon service. All of Schattauer’s 22 scholarly journals devoted to medical fields will now be indexed in the Summon discovery service. The journal titles span multiple medical specialties, as well as veterinary medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry and medical informatics.
Founded in 1949 and managed by the owner, Schattauer Publishers for Medicine and Natural Sciences is known for its textbook program, national and international scientific journals, as well as its SKS – Seminar und Kongress Service which offers continuing education for both doctors and veterinarians.
German-language content in the Summon service includes millions of catalog items, journal articles and specialized repositories, all of which are optimized for discovery. Advanced German-language search capabilities in the Summon service, including search and relevancy specifically tuned for German-language searching, delivers more precision for native language researchers.