Silverchair Expands Universe Program to Accelerate Platform Integration & Innovation

Silverchair announced today the expansion of its renowned Silverchair Universe partner program and now includes ScholarOne partnerships. Originally launched in 2017 as a framework of complementary products and services that publishers may integrate with the Silverchair Platform, the newly expanded program builds on the success of the original offering to include not only the organizations in the ScholarOne Partner Program, but also to recognize partnerships that fall out of strictly technical integrations.

Silverchair Universe partners are best-in-class vendors and industry organizations that provide everything from preprint publishing to video hosting to AI-driven personalization, from research integrity and open science solutions to content discovery and access control. By proactively partnering with these organizations, publishers on the ScholarOne and/or Silverchair Platforms benefit from the flexibility of choosing the services that best fit their needs.

The expanded program includes three classes of partners:

  • Universe Integration Partners: These partners have a direct integration with the ScholarOne or Silverchair Platform, standard implementation of which is covered by Silverchair/ScholarOne and comes at no cost to publishers wishing to implement.
    • Current partners include: Access Innovations, Cadmore Media, Clear Skies, CodeOcean, Copyright Clearance Center (Ringgold Solutions), Crossref, Digital Science (Altmetric, Dimensions, and Figshare), Hum, ORCID, PSI, ReadSpeaker, scite, Signals, STM Integrity Hub, and TrendMD.
  • Discovery & Delivery Partners: These partners provide key services or offerings to publishers either upstream or downstream from the Silverchair or ScholarOne platforms, and Silverchair has built out the necessary pathways so that our customers can take advantage of these services with as little friction as possible.
    • Current partners include: Authorea, bioRxiv, Cactus, Copyright Clearance Center (RightsLink for Scientific Communications), ChronosHub, DataSeer, Data Conversion Laboratories, Digital Acumen, Dryad, EventPilot, Kudos, Lumina Datamatics, medRxiv, Overleaf, Planet Systems Group, ResearchGate, the Web of Science, and Zapnito.
  • Industry Infrastructure Partners: The scholarly communications community is rich with infrastructure providers that address key needs in the library, authorship, publishing, funding, content hosting, and content discovery and access ecosystems. As essential infrastructure providers within that ecosystem as well, Silverchair strives to make working with these vital partners as seamless for our clients as possible by keeping abreast of developments, exploring new opportunities, and maintaining collaboration pathways with industry infrastructure providers.
    • Current partners include: Chorus, CLOCKSS, DOAJ, GetFTR, Google Scholar, OCLC, OpenAthens, PubMed, Researc4Life, ROR, SeamlessAccess, and Shibboleth.

The program also includes Web of Science Author Connect, which Silverchair now sells as part of our expanded offerings for publishers and associations. Author Connect leverages the extensive Web of Science database to reach the world’s most impactful researchers and authors.

“We’ve purposefully designed our platforms to be open and interoperable with authoring, discovery, and other publication-enhancing tools,” said Hannah Heckner Swain, VP of Strategic Partnerships. “By putting the power of choice into our publishers’ hands, we help enable them to adapt to market changes, experiment, and find the best strategic partners for their unique goals.”

To learn more about the program, visit To inquire about becoming a partner, email