Egypt’s Specialized Presidential Council for Education and Scientific Research and Springer Nature announce the launch of a 5 year national access agreement for Springer Nature content and services and the full sponsorship of an Arabic online version of Scientific American.
National access agreement for Springer Nature content and services
The range of services made available to the academic community of Egypt, as well as the rest of the population, by the recently formed Council includes the provision of national level access to the majority of Springer Nature publications, including journals, eBooks, and digital archives. In addition, Springer Nature will offer a range of services to help the Council support the Egyptian scientific research community. These will include: supporting relevant events and conferences organised by the Council as a sponsor; organising workshops in collaboration with the Council to help develop scientific publishing and assisting in the developing the role of the Council in Egypt as a major supporter of scientific research, awareness and understanding; training members of the Egyptian scientific community and providing advisory support to the Council to promote and publish its journals as well as to provide Author Services.
Launch of new Arabic online version of Scientific American
The exclusive and fully sponsored publication of an ambitious new local language online edition of Scientific American, the longest continuously published magazine in the U.S., was also announced today. This freely accessible online Arabic Edition of Scientific American will bridge the gap between academia and the interested general public in Egypt, and the Arabic-speaking world, and will help to disseminate the voices of its most influential thinkers. The editorial operations for this new edition will be based in Cairo.
Derk Haank, Springer Nature CEO commented on the agreement saying: “We are very pleased to mark this breakthrough agreement with our partner, Egypt’s Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research. It is an agreement which is intended to substantially raise awareness of scientific research across Egypt and which marks a significant investment in Egypt’s scientific research capability, helping to ensure the widest possible access to the highest quality of research and educational content, which will further drive high quality scientific output in the country. It is also very much an early achievement for the newly combined Springer Nature, and one which testifies to the benefits of bringing together the combined expertise, scale and reach of our brands.”