Springer and the Italian Society for the Study of Eating Disorders (Società Italiana per lo Studio dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare – SISDCA) have agreed to a five-year collaboration to publish the quarterly journal Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, starting in 2013 with Volume 18. As the official journal of SISDCA, it will be available exclusively in electronic format on SpringerLink (link.springer.com). It was formerly published by Kurtis Editrice.
Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity provides an international forum devoted to eating disorders and obesity and the relationship between the two. Topics include over- and undernutrition and obesity surgery. The journal publishes review articles, clinical research, pharmacological studies, animal research, technical innovations, new concepts and hypotheses, and papers on medico-legal issues. Targeted are psychiatrists, psychologists, internists including endocrinologists and diabetologists, nutritional scientists, bariatric surgeons, and others dealing with eating disorders and obesity.
Massimo Cuzzolaro, Editor-in-Chief, said, “From 1996, the journal has gained increasing importance. In 2011, it had an impact factor of 0.628 and is covered in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, PsycINFO and other well-known abstracting and indexing services. Working with Springer will help to promote the journal by increasing its global visibility and supporting the society in its mission.”
“We are proud to welcome the journal Eating and Weight Disorders to the Springer clinical medicine journals portfolio. It offers an additional relevant scientific resource to all clinical practitioners and scientists working in this interdisciplinary field. Eating and Weight Disorders will join many established publications in the field of psychiatry and will have global exposure via the SpringerLink platform,” said Carlotta d’Imporzano, Executive Editor of Medicine Journals at Springer.
The SISDCA is the oldest and largest Italian scientific society in this field and most likely the first society for eating disorders in the world. It was founded as an interdisciplinary scientific society on July 19th, 1991. Its members include researchers and specialists from a broad range of fields, including internal medicine, endocrinology, neuropsychiatry, psychology and the food sciences. As a non-profit organization, the SISDCA is dedicated to research in the field of eating disorders. It promotes both preventive and therapeutic measures, and is also active in training and continuing education.