Beginning in 2014, Springer will publish the Journal of Nephrology, the official publication of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN). The new agreement will enable the journal to expand and strengthen its mission to stimulate advancements in medicine, focusing on nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation.
The Journal of Nephrology is aimed at researchers, trainees and clinicians who treat renal diseases, focusing particularly on the interface between nephrology and other medical specialties. Articles will be available exclusively on Springer’s online platform, SpringerLink (link.springer.com). Founded in 1988 and previously published by Wichtig Editore, the journal appears six times a year.
“We are strongly committed to reaching the widest possible international audience,” said Dr. Giovanni Gambaro, Editor-in-Chief. “In order to do so, we sought a publisher with the experience and technological expertise to serve our readers across the globe. We see our journal supporting doctors who treat renal diseases in the nephrological and other clinical settings. We will work to help the Journal of Nephrology connect nephrologists to experts in other medical specialties.”
Carlotta d’Imporzano, Executive Editor Clinical Medicine at Springer, said, “We are proud to cooperate with the Italian Society of Nephrology to help ensure its success. Our international publishing programs in both renal disease and clinical medicine are further enhanced by this journal, already well known in the community for its excellence and high impact factor. We look forward to helping our new partners to further increase the quality and the visibility of their journal.”
The journal’s goal is to help nephrologists treat patients using a solid basis of research and experience. This is reinforced through the publication of excellent scientific papers from the most authoritative investigators. With this in mind, the Italian Society of Nephrology has launched the Journal of Nephrology Most Cited Paper Award. It will be presented annually to the author of the article that receives the highest number of citations in the two years following the online publication date.