The Elementary Course in Journal Publishing is aimed at those who have recently started their career in journal publishing or who are considering a career within the industry. Their experience may be in editorial, sales, marketing or content management roles, but the course will also be valuable to people working in other roles such as finance, web publishing and technology, or customer service. Experience has shown that participants at the start of their careers can benefit tremendously.
Scope of the course
Intensive, interactive lectures will be provided on all aspects of journal publishing. From the history of scholarly communication, through production, dissemination, sales, finances, ethics, bibliometrics and much more. In addition, non-publishing specific topics like cultural awareness, presentation skills, and negotiation will be covered.
Organisation of the course
An outline of the topics / blocks covered and the speakers invited is provided below. This course will provide interaction and training per topic. In groups, students will have to do small case studies on presenting, negotiating, production workflows, do a bibliometric analysis and so forth.
The fee includes accommodation at The Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel, Ditton Road, Langley, Berkshire, SL3 8PT for two nights 22nd and 23rd May 2018. All meals and all tutorial costs are also included.
Course Director
Bas Straub, Konvertus
Provisional Programme (Subject to change)
Tuesday 22nd May: Timings to follow inc. breaks and lunch
10 00 – Registration
- Welcome and Introduction to the Course
- What is scholarly publishing – Role and future of scholarly publishing
- David Green, Global Journals Publishing Director, Taylor & Francis
- Roles within publishing; Author; Editor; Reviewer; Publisher; Publishing company; Funders; Librarians; Agents
- What to publish
- Developing your journal – How to acquire the right papers, how to steer the journals
- Marketing – How to ensure that authors submit and editors work for your journal (Author-services, Content Acquisition)
- Validation of content: Peer-review process, Peer review systems, ethics
- Editors – What does it need to be a good editor, how to get editors, how to retain them and how to get rid of the dead wood.
- Case studies – ethics, development & marketing
- Production
- Production workflow – how to publish most efficiently
- Essence of XML Indexing, easy format-shift
- Tools – Production management, proofing tools, how to make the job as efficient as possible
- Vendors – How to get to a good vendor
- Speeding up the process
- Dissemination – what are the best ways of spreading your content
- Case studies- Design a workflow for a new journal / How much production value is needed?
- Presentations of case assignments
- Evening: Visit to Windsor Castle
Wednesday 23rd May: Timings to follow inc. breaks and lunch
09 30 – Start of the day
- Making money
- Publishing models – who pays, what has the biggest invest and what has the biggest reward
- Sales – How to sell your content, sales models, agents, how to create value
- Finance and accounting Exercises in finance
- Pricing of content What is the value
- Case studies- Create an publishing model and argue why you have made certain choices.
- Analytics & Development (4 hours)
- Bibliometrics – How can you analyse and monitor the success of your journal
- Acquisition – How to acquire / start a new journal / Portfolio management
- Society publishing Why, benefits, pittfals
- Case studies- Analysis of a journal / Society proposal
- Presentations of case assignments
- Evening dinner at the hotel
Thursday 24th May: Timings to follow inc. breaks and lunch
09 30 – Start of the day
- Counsel matters
- Copyright Standard copyright, Creative Commons
- Contracts What should be in them
- Negotiation How to get the best deal (for you or for all?)
- Society publishing How to structure a deal
- Case study – Negotiation exercise
- Soft side of publishing
- Presentation skills How to create a ppt / how to argue / how to present
- Wine and Dine How to be liked, avoid #metoo
- Cultural Awareness How to do business with other cultures using Cultural Navigator™
- Case Study Cultural awareness
15 30
End of day
For more information please click here – https://www.stm-assoc.org/events/elementary-course-journal-publishing/