Ex Libris® Group, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions, has entered into a collaborative partnership with Swets, a leading provider of content management services for libraries. The collaboration will provide staff at academic and research libraries with a new, streamlined acquisition process compatible with both Ex Libris Alma and the SwetsWise platform. In addition, the collaboration will enable libraries to reduce costs associated with acquisitions and to avoid unnecessary spending.
Leveraging Alma’s open architecture, the first deliverable of this project will automatically update Alma with all print and electronic purchasing transactions that are made through the SwetsWise platform or any other Swets channel. A future deliverable will update the SwetsWise platforms with workflows that are initiated in Alma, thereby further streamlining workflows and processes for library staff. Ex Libris and Swets plan to release the first product of their partnership by mid-2014, and will extend the collaboration over the following months.
“We’re looking forward to using the end-to-end acquisition workflow being developed by Ex Libris and SWETS,” observed William Jordan, associate dean at the University of Washington Libraries. “Being able to search the SwetsWise catalog and create orders in SwetsWise that are automatically reflected in Alma will be a big step forward in efficiency. The kind of integrated life-cycle management planned for future development is also very exciting. It’s great to see two of our biggest vendors working together like this for the benefit of their mutual customers.”
“Our collaboration with Ex Libris clearly highlights our commitment to improving and developing integrated workflow components that simplify the day-to-day workload for our library customers,” said Ted van Dongen, chief technology officer at Swets. “Customers will benefit from a streamlined acquisition process, whether they purchase content via our SwetsWise online procurement platform or through our customer service channels. We are looking forward to cooperating with Ex Libris and enhancing our portfolio of selection and access management services for libraries.”
Denise Branch, head of continuing resources at Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, noted: “This integration will benefit the VCU Libraries by making our acquisitions, e-resource management, and license management workflows more efficient. Relieved of some arduous workflow processes, library staff will be able to use the time to complete other tasks. The VCU Libraries will enjoy seamless data interchange, improved workflows, and more streamlined library operations.”
Dvir Hoffman, director of product management and marketing at Ex Libris, remarked: “I am delighted that Ex Libris is embarking on this exciting collaboration with Swets. One of the overarching goals of our company and of the Alma service is to empower librarians by simplifying administrative operations. Leveraging the system’s open interfaces, we can integrate Alma with Swets and expand the value of Alma. The integration will help Alma libraries avoid duplication and enable staff to dedicate their time to providing valuable services to end users. Feedback from our customers reinforces the conviction that we are on the right track with this collaboration and confirms Alma’s position as an advanced and innovative solution.”
– See more at: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/default.asp?catid={916AFF5B-CA4A-48FD-AD54-9AD2ADADEB88}&details_type=1&itemid={80CA92E3-2C88-427E-8057-870412FCBE09}#sthash.EJDL29p6.dpuf