The IET has launched a call for papers for a new gold open access journal in the field of quantum wireless communication. IET Quantum Communication will publish novel research and original survey articles focusing on the application of quantum information science to provide the security and infrastructure for future communication networks.
This latest addition to the IET’s open access journal portfolio will also explore the challenges facing quantum wireless communication that require multidisciplinary knowledge including signal processing, optimization, and economic theory.
Vincent Cassidy, Head of Academic Markets at the IET said: “The Internet of Things is increasingly posing challenges to global cybersecurity. Research into quantum communications promises to safeguard our data as it is transferred across devices and systems. We are very pleased to announce the launch of IET Quantum Communication as a vehicle to disseminate research in this dynamic field.”
IET Quantum Communication is supported by a global editorial board from academia and industry.
Editors-in-Chief, Professor Mohsen Guizani and Dr Shahid Mumtaz added: “IET Quantum Communication is the first journal of its kind with the ambition to capture the recent research from academia and industry. We believe that quantum communication will change the direction of telecommunications research in next 10 to 20 years, among others.”
IET Quantum Communications will be available on the IET’s Digital Library, as well as the IEEE Xplore platform. Additional information can be found here.