SomCom is delighted to announce that it has been commissioned by The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) to develop an online fully searchable archive and content repository of its historic journal and magazine content.
The project achieves a number of strategic objectives: preservation of content, space saving and most importantly the solution will provide a valuable member benefit by giving its members – many of whom are based overseas – convenient access to content that was only previously available in hard copy in the IMarEST library.
The new archive and repository will allow IMarEST staff to add in new content which over time will become a living, breathing, educational and research resource, not only reflecting the Institute’s rich marine engineering history, but providing a unique resource across all marine science and technology disciplines.
When it is complete, the content repository (yet to be given an official name) will contain over 400 volumes from 1889 to 2009 and will have in excess of 250,000 pages.
The repository will initially include:
IMarE Transactions 1889-2009
The recorded history of the activity of the Institute including Member Lists, Obituaries, Annual Reports and written technical papers including Discussion and Author replies.
Shipping World & Shipbuilder 1911-2009 (inc. The Shipbuilder & Marine Engineer, The Shipbuilder etc.)
Journal including articles on newly built ships, shipyards, new technologies, ship design etc. Still published by the IMarEST today.
Marine Engineers Review – 1967-2009
Historically, the foremost read members journal. Including articles demonstrating new engine designs, technologies etc. Also included, the members newsletter, plus obituary information etc. from 1967-1983 when the newsletter was published separately as the IMarE Bulletin.
IMarE Bulletin/IMarEST News – 1983-2009
The newsletter for IMarEST members, succeeded both the Transactions and MER as the method of delivering member news regarding Institute activities, Obituaries, people news etc.
James McRae, Information and Knowledge Manager at the IMarEST commented “Having worked with SomCom since 2003 on various content related technology products including the production of conference proceedings and abstract content, we believe in their ability to deliver the right solution, understanding the unique needs of our organisation and our membership, particularly as they have also successfully delivered several archive and online content solutions for other societies and associations.
“With the IMarEST intent on membership development internationally, it is vital to deliver member benefits which are equally accessible regardless of geographic location. This online resource will support members who were unable to easily utilise the valuable knowledge once held in the physical library collection at IMarEST HQ.”
Phil Paterson, Business Development Director at SomCom commented, “We are delighted to be extending our relationship with IMarEST and are looking forward to commencing work on this exciting new project. The hybrid archive and content repository we develop will provide IMarEST members with a more convenient way to access and share historic knowledge, research and innovations within the specialist fields of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.”
About SomCom Ltd www.somcom.co.uk
SomCom is a family owned technology company based in Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire. The company develops open source online resources, archives and web applications for society and association publishers including: The Newcomen Society, The British Academy, The Institute of Brewing & Distilling, The Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), The Kew Guild, Council British Archaeology, British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy, The Society for Nautical Research and Navy Records Society.
About IMarEST www.imarest.org
www.imarest.org Established in London in 1889, is the leading international membership body and learned society for marine professionals, with members in over 100 countries worldwide.
The IMarEST has a strong international presence with an extensive marine network of 50 international branches, affiliations with major marine societies around the world, representation on the key marine technical committees and non-governmental status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO).