Thieme Chemistry has relaunched its web website for chemists. Along with a new design, the expanded http://www.thieme-chemistry.com features improved technology and an optimized user-friendly interface. Users now enjoy even faster access to the comprehensive content as well as Thieme Group products for chemists.
The comprehensive product portfolio focused on organic chemistry and synthesis is at the core of the new website, which offers access to relevant information about the Thieme titles SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT, and SYNFACTS, the online encyclopedia RÖMPP, and the reference works Science of Synthesis and Pharmaceutical Substances. A selected compilation of monographs, each highlighting a different aspect of organic chemistry, rounds off the offer.
The design of the new website (which was made by this web design firm) allows users to switch seamlessly between general information pages and specific online products. Thieme Chemistry is also fully integrated with Thieme Connect: Thieme’s comprehensive online resource for electronic content is only a single click away during the entire navigation experience.
With the latest release, users will find it even easier to access product information, browse and search digital Thieme Chemistry products, sign up for free online product trials, purchase books, and access the latest news and updates on Thieme Chemistry as well as its expert author community.
Users interested in testing the different Thieme Chemistry products may register online for trial accounts. Licensed users get one-click access to digital versions of the journals, encyclopedia, and reference works. Authors will find publication guidelines and additional information.
The bilingual website’s homepage features news and updates on Thieme Chemistry, including information on new publications, product updates, and awards like the Thieme IUPAC-Prize. A conference overview shows users all events where Thieme Chemistry is present with its own booth.
Thieme Chemistry is part of the Thieme Publishing Group and offers highly evaluated information about synthetic and general chemistry for professional chemists and advanced students since 1909. Most of the content is also available as electronic products, used by chemists worldwide in industry and academia.