Sustainability & Circularity NOW publishes latest research on benign molecules and materials, closed-loop, waste-free systems, and other actionable solutions to tackle global environmental crises. The new journal is the first open access publication with a multidisciplinary focus on sustainability and circularity in chemistry and beyond. Authors benefit from fast and professional crowd peer-review processes to publish and disseminate their research open access.
This press release is also available at: https://www.thieme.com/en-us/who-we-serve/journalists/new-open-access-journal-sustainability-and-circularity-now
Committed to driving positive change, the thematic concept of Sustainability & Circularity NOW is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). “The new journal empowers researchers, engineers and sustainability advocates in academia, industry and government by publishing their research to discuss and develop actionable solutions to tackle global environmental crises and realize a closed-loop, waste-free industry by 2050”, emphasizes Dr J.C. Slootweg, Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam and Editor in Chief of Sustainability & Circularity NOW.
As of fall 2023, authors can submit papers in research areas such as Circular Design and Economy, Green Manufacturing and Engineering, Biobased and Circular Plastics, Sustainable Industrial Processes and many more. Life cycle assessment studies and case studies to foster public and policy debate will also be reported in this journal. “All these topics are a perfect fit for our vision ‘For better medicine and healthier lives’ – because a sustainable future directly contributes to better environment, better health, and eventually better life. We therefore want to ensure that researchers can publish their important findings as efficiently as possible in the new journal”, says Dr Kathleen Too, Senior Vice President Chemistry at Thieme.
Select Crowd Review allows for a fast and effective review process with a first decision in less than a week from submission. The feedback from experts in the crowd working in various research areas ensures high-quality reviews and visibility in the academic community. Authors interested in publishing articles in Sustainability & Circularity NOW can find all the information they need at: Journal Information – Sustainability & Circularity NOW – Thieme Group