Mari Baker, Jean-Lou Chameau, and Linda Katehi Elected to Wiley’s Board of Directors
Peter Booth Wiley, Chairman of the Board, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. announced today that Wiley’s shareholders have elected three new members to the publisher’s Board of Directors effective today. All three were elected for the first time.
“We are pleased to welcome Mari J. Baker, Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau, and Dr. Linda Katehi to Wiley’s Board of Directors,” said Mr. Wiley. “Their extensive executive experience in leading academic institutions and corporations and knowledge of the markets Wiley serves will bring valuable new perspectives to our Company.”
Mari J. Baker became Chief Executive Officer of PlayFirst, Inc. in 2009. Previously she was executive-in-residence at the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers where she incubated and launched Navigenics, Inc. and served as its founding President, Chief Executive Officer and Director (2006-2009); President of BabyCenter, LLC (1999-2006) and Senior Vice President of Intuit, Inc. (1989-1999) Ms. Baker is currently a director of Velti, Inc. (VELT); an officer in the Young Presidents Organization; and a Member of the Advisory Council for Stanford University’s Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Ms. Baker served on the Board of Trustees of Stanford University from 1996-2003 and continues to serve as an Emeritus Trustee. She holds a B.A. degree in Economics and Sociology from Stanford University
Jean-Lou Chameau is President, California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Before he assumed the presidency of Caltech in 2006, Chameau had a distinguished career as a professor of civil engineering and a university administrator. A native of France, he received his graduate education in civil engineering at Stanford University. In 1980 he joined the civil engineering faculty at Purdue University, where he subsequently became full professor and head of the geotechnical engineering program. Moving to Georgia Tech in 1991, he was named director of the school of civil and environmental engineering. He was the president of Golder Associates, Inc., an international geotechnical consulting company, from 1994 to 1995, after which he returned to Georgia Tech as a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and vice-provost for research. He was named dean of its college of engineering, the largest in the country, in 1997, becoming provost of the university in 2001. Dr. Chameau currently serves on the boards of the Council on Competitiveness, the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, MTS Systems Corporation and Safran. He is also serving on the Academic Research Council of Singapore and the Advisory Committee of InterWest Partners. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the French Académie des Technologies.
Linda Katehi was appointed chancellor of the University of California, Davis, in 2009. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, was chair until 2010 of the President’s Committee for the National Medal of Science and of the Secretary of Commerce’s committee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Previously, Dr. Katehi served as provost and vice-chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Illinois from 2006-2009; the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University from 2002-2006; and associate dean for academic affairs and graduate education in the College of Engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan from 1998-2002. She earned a Ph.D. in Engineering from UCLA.
Mr. Wiley took the opportunity to thank Richard Hochhauser, who retired at the end of his last term, for his contributions to Wiley’s Board of Directors.
Wiley’s Board of Directors currently has thirteen members.