We have reached another milestone in the growth of our streaming video platform. We now have a very impressive number of over 20,000 videos in our Digital Video Library. It’s another big step for us and we are thrilled to keep on growing – with you!
These numbers make us proud because they also reflect a growing desire for scientific knowledge and enriched video content.
Our video library is just over a year old but it is already spanning the widest range of subject areas included in our 4 main categories: Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Our platform is dedicated to advancing science, and creating opportunities for the sharing of ideas, research, and academic cooperation. By expanding our video library, we also expand the audience of all events and conferences featured on our platform and help accelerate scientific discovery.
We are not called “Netflix for Scientists“ for no reason. More than 20,000 videos full of discoveries from established experts and leading authors from the scientific realm are waiting for you, ready to be streamed. Let’s explore!