Wednesday 7 July & Thursday 8 July
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
Tutors: Leslie Lansman, Springer Nature, Rachel Bradley, Penningtons Manches Cooper
This provides an essential introduction to copyright law and how it is used in practice. Delegates will gain an understanding of the legal publishing landscape, and be able to make sense of their own organization’s contracts and licences. It is aimed at anyone starting out in a rights or licensing role or with one to two years’ publishing experience in editorial and production functions in large and small organizations.
Peerless Peer Review: Mastering the fundamentals – NEW
Wednesday 14 July & Thursday 15 July
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
Tutors: Shehnaz Ahmed, British Association of Dermatologists, Mary C. Francis, University of Pennsylvania Press, Helena King, Royal Irish Academy
Join our brand new introductory course for anyone interested in finding out about the fundamentals of scholarly peer review and management of the process. The training gives delegates confidence in handling this element of their role and aims to demonstrate how peer review integrates into the overall process of academic publishing.
Journal Financial Strategy for Non-financial Managers
Monday 12 July & Tuesday 13 July
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
Tutors: Oliver Callaghan, IOP Publishing, Bill Cook, Consultant
Important course for middle and senior publishing managers, who meet a multiplicity of financial problems in managing a journals portfolio. The workshop will introduce finance and accounting problems that managers face at senior level, and ensure they have the tools to deal with these effectively.
Managing and Influencing your Editorial Board
Tuesday 31 August and Wednesday 1 September:
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
This will provide you with the essential practical knowledge and skills to improve how your board operates, understand more about how to motivate your board members, and make your meetings highly effective, where everyone contributes and all necessary decisions are reached.
Tuesday 7 September to Friday 10 September
09:00-11:00 (EDT), 14:00-16:00 (BST) 15:00-17:00 (CEST)
Using state-of-the art digital technology to create a fully immersive, interactive and creative learning environment, Publishers Going Agile! demonstrates how we as publishers of all shapes and sizes can harness the power of digital to collaborate in fun, engaging and practical ways that bring out the best in global team working and get results that everyone can be proud of.
Selling to Libraries, Academics and Institutions: Selling during a crisis
Tuesday 21 September to Thursday 23 September
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
This course will accelerate the learning of sales managers new to scholarly publishing who aim to build a revenue stream and customer-base by focusing on how to formulate and implement sales strategy for institutions, libraries, academics, and consortiums, appropriate to markets both domestic and international.
Commissioning Content: Working effectively with authors and editors
Monday 27 September and Tuesday 28 September:
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
This course considers ways in which to develop and manage a commercially successful academic journal and book programme, including how to adapt commissioning strategies following the COVID-19 outbreak.
Strategy and Pricing for Open Access Journals – NEW
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
This will equip participants with the tools and insights to inform their OA strategic thinking and decision making. It will take people through the complexities and challenges of OA, highlighting the ways in which OA publishing is deeply different to subscription publishing (and some ways that it is the same!).
Product Development in Publishing: Mastering the fundamentals to ensure product success – NEW
Tuesday 5 October and Wednesday 6 October
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
Designed to offer a crash course on Product Development; how to do it and how to ensure you communicate effectively to business stakeholders to ensure their continued investment and support. This is a sister course to the existing ALPSP Agile, Lean and Project Management courses.
How Publishing Ethics Can Nurture Trust in Scholarly Publications
Tuesday 12 October and Thursday 14 October
08:00-11:00 (EDT), 13:00-16:00 (BST), 14:00-17:00 (CEST)
The course will cover how to detect and deal effectively with possible misconduct and show the importance of having sound ethical policies. While the principles and theories covered are applicable across most publication types, some issues covered will be particularly relevant to journals publishing.
Tuesday 12 October and Wednesday 13 October
09:00-12:00 (EDT), 14:00-17:00 (BST) 15:00-18:00 (CEST)
This provides a strategic overview of this dynamic environment and how best to apply impactful & engaging marketing techniques to achieve your journal’s objectives.
Tuesday 9 November and Wednesday 10 November:
09:00-12:00 (EST), 14:00-17:00 (GMT) 15:00-18:00 (CET)
This training provides an overview of why licensing is needed, how it works in practice, and the key issues to consider when negotiating and agreeing licenses.
Lean Sigma White Belt: Introduction to process improvement tools and methods – NEW
Monday 15 November to Thursday 18 November
09:00-11:00 (EST), 14:00-16:00 (GMT) 15:00-17:00 (CET)
The training teaches the fundamentals of Lean process improvement and the key tools that are available. It is primarily for anyone who wants to learn more of how process improvement methodologies can lead to change and efficiency.
Effective Journal Publishing – NEW
Wednesday 17 November and Thursday 18 November
09:00-12:00 (EST), 14:00-17:00 (GMT) 15:00-18:00 (CET)
An essential course covering the core aspects of journals publishing for those seeking to develop a career in academic journal publishing.
Acquiring and Selling Publishing Assets
Monday 22 November and Tuesday 23 November
09:00-12:00 (EST), 14:00-17:00 (GMT) 15:00-18:00 (CET)
This workshop will examine the issues, decisions and legal processes involved in the acquisition and sale of publishing assets and demonstrate how to achieve these as successfully and smoothly as possible.
Advanced Journal Development: Strategic development for managers
Tuesday 30 November and Wednesday 1 December
09:00-12:00 (EST), 14:00-17:00 (GMT) 15:00-18:00 (CET)
This advanced course has been designed as a follow-on from the ALPSP Journal Development (1) course which provides participants with a toolbox system for planning the development of their journals.
Management into Leadership in Publishing Programme – NEW
Monday 6 December, Thursday 9 December, Monday 13 December and Thursday 16 December
09:00-11:00 (EST), 14:00-16:00 (GMT) 15:00-17:00 (CET)
This programme will help leaders understand themselves and their impact and will enable delegates to develop their own unique leadership style. Throughout, and between each session, delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences, reflect on what they have learned and explore and test new ideas and techniques through a range of exercises and interaction with their peers.