Charlesworth has partnered with Wiley, a global leader in research and learning, and Aries Systems, a leading technology provider of workflow management solutions, to power an improved author experience in China by integrating message notifications from Aries’ Editorial Manager® (EM) into WeChat using the award-winning Charlesworth Gateway.
Charlesworth Gateway is a customer marketing and messaging app currently used for improving the communication and publishing experience for Authors in China via WeChat. The Charlesworth Gateway creates an enhanced user experience for Authors by connecting publishers’ WeChat accounts to their proprietary or third-party manuscript submission system. The Gateway integration with Editorial Manager provides an out-of-the-box messaging solution to their global STM publisher clients and subsequent researchers based in China.
This integrated solution allows Wiley to identify which manuscript status milestones to communicate to their authors directly in EM. The Gateway notification service provides Authors with a convenient way to check the status of their submitted manuscripts through WeChat, eliminating the need for additional email correspondence. Streamlined publisher workflows and increased transparency for Authors will result in improved efficiency, cost savings, and an enhanced Wiley-Author relationship.
Wiley Group VP and General Manager, China, Philip Kisray, said, “Chinese researchers help move our world forward every day. We’re excited to offer this enhanced workflow to support editorial processes and enable quicker, more efficient lines of communication.”
“Aries is dedicated to making global business easier for publishers through its enabling technology and strategic partnerships,” said Aries Systems’ Director of Sales, Pierre Montagano. “Together with Charlesworth, we are thrilled to offer Wiley an enhanced Author experience in China by streamlining editorial communication and workflows.”
Charlesworth’s CEO, Michael Evans, said, “We are delighted to be working with Wiley as one of the first publishers to use this combined service to enhance their authors’ experience in China. China is one of the world’s largest producers of scientific, engineering and technology research and WeChat is the number one social platform in China, with over 1.3 billion active users, making it essential to provide a personalised and seamless Author experience for Authors in the region.”
Wiley joins Taylor & Francis, the Institute of Physics and Dove as early adopters of the Gateway, helping to enhance the Author experience in China.