Wiley has made available all of its published Zika content on one sitewww.wiley.com/go/zika to coincide with events in Brazil, a territory that has seen increased cases of Zika Virus recently. Access will be freely available until 30 September. New research from medicine, entomology, obstetrics, neuroscience and more will be added to Wiley’s Zika page as it becomes available along with interactive content such as interviews, podcasts and videos, providing the latest updates on Zika virus.
Zika virus is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes and has been linked to causing neurological complications in humans.
Recent Zika research published by Wiley includes:
Survey of Blood Collection Centers and Implementation of Guidance for Prevention of Transfusion-Transmitted Zika Virus Infection — Puerto Rico, 2016 (21 July 2016)
Zika Virus: An update on epidemiology, pathology, molecular biology and animal model, Journal of Medical Virology (5 May 2016)
Causal or not: applying the Bradford Hill aspects of evidence to the association between Zika virus and microcephaly, EMBO Molecular Medicine (14 March 2016)
Zika: Where it has been, where it is going and how to stop it, International Journal of Clinical Practice (26 February 2016)