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IOP Publishing and Fudan University convene experts to explore AI and Machine Learning’s impact...
IOP Publishing and Fudan University are organising a one-day international workshop, AI-driven discoveries: Machine Learning for the Physical Sciences. The event brings together leading researchers from around the world to explore how machine learning and AI are transforming the physical sciences.
Sage begins 60th year highlighting progress in new Independence with Impact Report
Sage releases its annual Independence with Impact Report highlighting achievements from 2024. For 60 years, Sage has published resources that advance disciplines, cultivate critical thinking skills in the classroom, and drive social change inside and outside of our organization.
Digital Science announces Catalyst Grant winners, rewarding innovations to safeguard research integrity
Digital Science has awarded its latest Catalyst Grants to two innovative teams, supporting their technology ideas aimed at safeguarding research integrity and strengthening trust in science. The winners will use the funding and mentorship from Digital Science to develop their ideas, both of which include enhanced dashboards – visualizations based on available data – to flag retracted or questionable research papers.
Digital & Platforms
Digital Science announces Catalyst Grant winners, rewarding innovations to safeguard research integrity
Digital Science has awarded its latest Catalyst Grants to two innovative teams, supporting their technology ideas aimed at safeguarding research integrity and strengthening trust in science. The winners will use the funding and mentorship from Digital Science to develop their ideas, both of which include enhanced dashboards – visualizations based on available data – to flag retracted or questionable research papers.
ResearchGate and CSIRO Publishing announce new Journal Home partnership
ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, and CSIRO Publishing, Australia's leading science publisher of books, peer-reviewed journals, and magazines, today announced a new Journal Home partnership covering over half of CSIRO Publishing’s internationally respected journal portfolio.
EBSCO Information Services Introduces New Suite of Online Research Resources for Schools and Public...
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) introduces Ultimate Databases for Schools and Public Libraries to provide reliable, high-quality, curated content to support the research needs of middle and high school students, educators and public library patrons. The collection includes six multidisciplined databases offering full-text magazines and journals, nonfiction and reference e-books, educational videos, primary source documents and evidence-based health reports accessible through an intuitive user experience and seamless integrations.
Open Access
Wiley launches pilot pricing framework to support equitable OA publishing for researchers in Latin...
Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers and a trusted leader in research and learning, today announced a pilot pricing program to provide discounts for research authors based in Latin America, reinforcing its commitment to deliver equitable publishing options for scholars across the globe.
Sikt renews national open access agreement with Frontiers for 2025
Frontiers has renewed its national open access agreement with Norway for 2025, reinforcing a shared commitment to advancing open science. Originally signed in 2020, this agreement - facilitated by the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (Sikt) - streamlines the publishing process for Norwegian researchers and strengthens the country’s leadership in open access publishing.
MDPI and Jisc Consortium Extend Open Access Agreement for 2025
We are delighted to announce that MDPI has extended its agreement with the Jisc consortium in the UK for 2025. This renewal reaffirms our strong partnership with UK institutions, emphasizing our shared commitment to advancing open access publishing and ensuring broad accessibility to high-quality research.
Molecular Connections announce the acquisition of Editorial Office Ltd
Molecular Connections (MC), a global leader in technology-driven content solutions and digital transformation for the scholarly publishing industry, has announced its acquisition of Editorial Office Ltd (EOL), a premier provider of high-quality peer-review and publishing support services.
ARL Publishes Annual Impact Report 2024
2024 was an eventful year for the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and its membership of research libraries and archives in major public and private universities, federal government agencies, and large public institutions in Canada and the US. ARL’s 2024 impact report enumerates the vibrant engagement of the Association’s membership that empowers and advocates for research libraries and archives to shape, influence, and implement institutional, national, and international policy and develop the next generation of leaders.
RSC welcomes Couperin agreement expanding support for French chemistry community
The Royal Society of Chemistry has agreed a new three-year Open Access publishing agreement with Couperin, a consortium of French Higher Education and Research establishments. The agreement represents the expansion of a longstanding and successful partnership, building on the success of the previous agreement, from 2022-2024. The members of the agreement include the leading universities in France.
IOP Publishing and Fudan University convene experts to explore AI and Machine Learning’s impact...
IOP Publishing and Fudan University are organising a one-day international workshop, AI-driven discoveries: Machine Learning for the Physical Sciences. The event brings together leading researchers from around the world to explore how machine learning and AI are transforming the physical sciences.
Clarivate identifies top 50 universities powering global innovation
Clarivate Plc, a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today released The top 50 universities powering global innovation report which analyzes the critical role of research in shaping global industrial innovation and societal impact, using data and expert insights derived from academic research and patent citations.
Springer Nature Launches Latin American Research Advisory Council, Expanding Global Partnerships with Researchers
Springer Nature announced that it has founded a Latin American Research Advisory Council (LARAC) to better support and collaborate with researchers in the region. This joins the publisher’s existing research advisory councils in Africa (ARAC), Europe (ERAC), Japan (JRAF), Korea (KRAF), and the United States (USRAC).