Today, the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) announces the extension of its award-winning web delivery platform for organizational subscribers with the addition of C&EN Global Enterprise from Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN). With C&EN Global Enterprise, scientists at approximately 2,500 subscribing institutions can access the Society’s premier newsmagazine, C&EN, which contains authoritative, award-winning journalism about the global chemistry enterprise. This journalism will appear alongside peer-reviewed research from ACS’ more than 50 journals, as well as eBooks and reference materials.
As of January 2, 2017, the enhanced ACS web delivery platform, pubs.acs.org, offers a lasting digital version of C&EN, advancing the reader experience while meeting the growing needs of libraries and organizational subscribers to provide their institutions with the highest-quality science news.
C&EN news and feature stories will be included in a single search location alongside the peer-reviewed science. C&EN Global Enterprise will enhance readers’ experience with ACS journals, providing historical background, highlighting scientific trends and pointing out real-world context for the science reported within. For professors, instructors and teachers, lessons can be supplemented with the context that C&EN provides, helping students better engage with the material.
“Our enhanced platform more than doubles organizational access to C&EN from around the world, making it more discoverable, more convenient and more library-centric,” says Brian Crawford, Ph.D., president of ACS Publications. “By placing C&EN articles and headlines in-line with journal articles, we can better communicate the value of both C&EN and the range of information, resources and news we can deliver to the active, global chemistry community.”
C&EN Global Enterprise offers new features and benefits to subscribing libraries and readers alike. Users can access ACS journals, eBooks, C&EN Archives and C&EN Global Enterprise via one platform, making the experience much more efficient and C&EN’s journalism more discoverable. Like ACS Publications’ 50-plus peer-reviewed journals, C&EN Global Enterprise is archived by Portico, preserving digital rights and continuity of access. Subscribers can access PDF and HTML versions of news stories and articles, with user-friendly versions for inter-library loans. Licenses also provide subscribers with full COUNTER metrics and seamless compatibility via ACS2Go, ACS Publications’ mobile platform.
Organizational access to C&EN Global Enterprise is available at cenglobal.acs.org.