The program of the upcoming APE 2021 Conference – which is less than a month away – has been finalized and contains a number of highlights.
The Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing (BISP) and the Program Committee of the 2021 APE Conference are pleased to confirm that Prof. Dr. Christoph Markschies, President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, will welcome the more than fifty speakers and panellists as well as all of the participants to the conference. Three keynote speakers will open the day’s proceedings:
- Dr. Dorothea Wagner, Chairwoman of the German Council of Science and Humanities will speak on the basis for trust in science.
- Lauren Kane, the President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) and Chief Strategy Officer for Morressier will discuss whether a return to normal after Covid-19 is possible or even desirable.
- The final keynote will be given by Frank Vrancken Peeters, CEO of Springer Nature on how partnerships advance open science.
Further highlights from the ten panels and sessions will cover the restoration of trust in published research (moderated by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl of the Charité in Berlin), creating a level playing field for the Global South (moderated by Anne Kitson of Cell Press/The Lancet/Elsevier), open access and the value of selectivity (moderated by Liz Ferguson of Wiley), and on data and capturing the research workflow (moderated by David Crotty of Oxford University Press).
The second day of the conference will feature sessions on the OA Switchboard (by Yvonne Campfens, its Executive Director) and the fascinating session on new dotcoms to watch (Eefke Smit, STM’s Director of Standards and Technology). Dr. Manuela Gerlof (De Gruyter) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Degwitz (Humboldt University Library) will chair a session on collaborations built on trust, and Dr. Liz Marchant (Taylor & Francis) will chair the session on climate action and how scholarly collaboration supports the tackling real-world challenges.
Magdalena Skipper, Editor-in-Chief of Nature will moderate a session on the very timely issue of balancing the need for rapid sharing with the need for rigorous evaluation and the role of preprints and peer review. The final session of the conference will be moderated by Dr. Irina Sens of the TIB in Hannover and will discuss data-intensive scientific discovery.
The 16th APE Conference will take place virtually from 12 to 13 January 2021 in Berlin. Ticket prices have been adapted to reflect new virtual realities. Discounts for academics and students are available. To register, please visit the Registration Pages.
For further information, please contact:
Arnoud de Kemp, Chair APE Programme Committee, dekemp@ape2021.euMarta Dossi, Director Operations, BISP, marta.dossi@berlinstitute.org
BISP and the APE Program Committee would like to thank this year’s patrons (Berlin University Alliance), the sponsors and co-sponsors (De Gruyter, Elsevier, Morressier, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis Group, Wiley and the International Association of STM Publishers) and its media partners (Research Information and STM Publishing News) for their support and engagement.