The OrgRef dataset provides Cambridge University Press (CUP) with free and open reference data to clean and standardize institutional info, develop better business intelligence, and identify prospective new customers.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, UK, 18 Mar 2015: Cambridge University Press (CUP) announced today that it has adopted the OrgRef dataset to help clean and de-duplicate its customer data. OrgRef is a free and open dataset which has been created by DataSalon for the benefit of the scholarly publishing community.
OrgRef shares structured information about organizations from Wikipedia and other open resources, and aims to cover the most important academic and research organizations worldwide. It offers an attractive solution for CUP for several different reasons: it helps to improve the quality of CUP’s own customer data; it helps to support better business insights; and it helps to identify potential new customers.
The dataset is free to download under the same terms as Wikipedia, and incorporates standard identifiers from ISNI and VIAF wherever possible. OrgRef provides a truly open solution to the industry’s long-standing issues with supply chain identifiers which anybody can use.
CUP are already working with DataSalon’s MasterVision platform for data integration and analysis, and the inclusion of OrgRef adds an extra level of accuracy and insight.
“We have been working closely with DataSalon since 2012, and are using MasterVision to join up many different sources of data,” commented Andrew Sykes, Institutional Marketing Director, Cambridge University Press. “Adding the OrgRef dataset into the picture now provides us with a very effective and low-cost way to clean up our institutional data even further using standard identifiers.”
Nick Andrews, Managing Director of DataSalon commented: “To date, many publishers have struggled
with organizational identifiers due to the lack of an open solution which anyone can use. We’re very excited that CUP have chosen to adopt OrgRef as a reliable and trusted dataset, and will be working hard to ensure it continues to meet all of CUP’s needs in the future.”
For further information about Cambridge University Press, visit: http://cambridge.org
For more information about OrgRef, visit: http://www.orgref.org
For more information about DataSalon, visit: http://www.datasalon.com