Cambridge University Press has reached a transformative Open Access agreement with the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (Kooperation E-Medien Österreich, KEMÖ).
The three-year ‘read and publish’ deal will cover 10 of the Consortium’s affiliated research institutions, including nine universities and one institute.
Read and publish deals pay for an institution to access a publisher’s journals and also cover any Article Processing Charges the institution’s authors would normally pay to publish their work Open Access with that publisher.
Under the agreement, the 10 institutions will be able to publish publicly-financed research articles in the Press’s hybrid and fully Open Access journals. In addition, the institutions will have access to their chosen collection of either the Full, HSS, STM or Med/Vet collection. The Press’s full collection consists of more than 400 journals.
It follows a number of similar agreements between the Press and higher education and research institutions around the world.
Chris Bennet, Global Sales Director for the Press, said: “The transition towards Open Access and open research continues apace. At Cambridge we are determined to help ensure that transition is sustainable and responsible. We see read and publish agreements like this one as a key part of that transition and are delighted to be working with KEMÖ to further promote the benefits of Open Access in Austria.”
Ingrid Haas, Head of Service Group for Journals and Databases / Head of Service Group for Publication Services at TU Wien Bibliothek, from the KEMÖ-member Technische Universität Wien, said: “TU Wien newly joined the consortium in 2020 because with this read and publish agreement we gain access to a number of high quality journals and enable our university members to make their research available open access. This helps us to make the next step toward free access to scientific publications.”