ConTech 2019 takes place on the 5th and 6th December at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London.
There’s power in accumulating knowledge, but the real magic of conferences is in the people. Not just new friends, but new professional connections, new opportunities to collaborate, and new business.
Content creation and consumption is changing faster than ever before. This is impacting business models, patterns of behaviour and virtually every aspect of the role information plays across organisations.
ConTech 2019 will help you determine where your organisation fits on the continuum of data maturity and where you can take it in the future.
ConTech 2019 is excited to announce that Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) will be one of the sponsors of this year’s event.
CCC is a global leader in content management, licensing, discovery and delivery solutions. Through its relationships with those who use and create content, CCC drives market-based solutions that fuel research, power publishing and respect copyright. With its subsidiaries RightsDirect and Ixxus, CCC provides solutions for millions of people from the world’s largest companies and academic institutions.
CCC is headquartered in Danvers, Mass., with offices across North America, Europe and Asia. To learn more about CCC, visit www.copyright.com or meet them on their stand at ConTech!
If you’re in content, information or data science – can you afford to miss it? – see the speaker and session details here