New technologies are transforming the way publishing works. Content creation, dissemination and consumption face a multiplicity of new opportunities and challenges.
Attendees to the ConTech Forum online on the 9th June will be able to begin to assess how these changes are affecting their professional lives.
ConTech Forum looks at technologies’ impact on users and content businesses, offers insights into the challenges and successes and looks at the big picture impact of why these changes are needed.
Sessions are quick fire 15 minutes and provide first class insights into the unfolding evolution of the content business.
Registration is now open and a delegate place is £89. Can’t attend them all? Can’t be there due to the time difference? No problem! Within this price you will also get a fully transcribed and indexed video of all the sessions from the day. The price of your ticket is also fully deductible from a full ConTech 2020 registration.
There are still a few places available as a free event for all Librarians and Furloughed workers due to the Covid-19 crisis. If you qualify use code ‘LFCFORUM20’. Proof of qualification may be requested.
Register now at https://www.contech-event.com/ConTechForum2020 You’ll find more information about all our webinars and events at https://www.contechlive.co.uk/