More than 80 million documents from more than 3,800 sources are now searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) as a result of a new partnership between EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Bielefeld University in Germany. The agreement enables Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), a multidisciplinary database operated by Bielefeld University Library, to be indexed in EDS.
BASE is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources. BASE collects, normalizes, and indexes data from repository servers that use the “Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting” for providing their contents.
Bielefeld University Library is part of a growing list of publishers and other content partners that are taking part in EDS to bring more visibility to their content. With full catalogue integration, EDS provides seamless access and full-text searching for mutual customers, promoting better access to this unique collection. By integrating the BASE data services in EDS, the content provided by the world wide repository community becomes even more visible in hundreds of academic libraries.
EBSCO Discovery Service is quickly becoming the discovery selection for many libraries (www.ebscohost.com/discovery/eds-news), and an obvious partner for content providers. Because the service builds on the foundation provided by the EBSCOhost®platform, libraries gain a full user experience for discovering their collections/OPAC—which is not typical in the discovery space. Further still, in the many universities and other libraries where EBSCOhost is the most-used platform for premium research, users are not asked to change their pathways or habits for searching. There’s simply more to discover on the familiar EBSCOhostplatform, and the same can be said for library administrators who can leverage their previous work with EBSCOadmin™.