CRC Press is pleased to announce the unveiling of its enhanced web version of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics which has been serving the scientific community for over 15 years.
Ideal for researchers in both academic and corporate settings, this online product has several interactive tools and features and is designed to help users access trusted chemical and physical data in a seamless manner. Users can customize data to meet their unique needs, use free applet to draw a desired structure and much more.
New Features and Tables
- Create individual workspaces allowing users to save searches and customize the chemical search screen
- Graph search results and data tables with a wide choice of formats
- Bookmark individual pages
- Access the handbook from any device – mobile device, tablets, laptops and desktops
- Gain access to archived PDF versions of earlier editions (back to 84th edition)
- Access new tables on Surface Active Chemicals and Nanomaterial Safety Guidelines and much more
Improved Features
- Print search results and export to HTML, CSV and XLS formats
- Export chemical structures and images
- Display chemical structures in a variety of formats
- Browsable indexes help to verify spelling and physical properties
New Interactive Features
- Search by Various Fields – search 27 property fields such as autoignition temperature, density, molecular weight, surface tension, vapor pressure and much more
- New View Chemical Entry – allow users to see all core chemical properties about a chemical, and links to all tables in the handbook containing that chemical
CRC Press’s Handbook of Chemistry and Physics web version is only available on a subscription basis and can be purchased as a stand-alone product. However, if institutions or corporations prefer, they can subscribe to CHEMnetBASE which is a collection of cutting-edge interactive chemistry databases that provides instant access to authoritative content and has 11 distinct products ranging from Dictionary of Natural Products to Combined Chemical Dictionary and much more.
Also, available is the print version of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition, which has been serving the scientific community for over 100 years and can be purchased online at www.crcpress.com.
For more information or to request a FREE trial on the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and CHEMnetBASE, send an email to: nally.dookwah-abrams@taylorandfrancis.com